A Snowy Week in Boston

After a somewhat mild November and December, we’re finally getting some snow here in Boston. During the holiday season, we had a few flurries but nothing compared to what the weather has looked like lately. It has snowed almost every day for the last week and in the upcoming week, it’s supposed to snow 5 of those 7 days. While most people are ready for spring and summer, I’m loving the snow right now. While I’m looking forward to beach days and eating outside, the snow makes working from home feel like you’re in a snow-globe. If it’s going to be 30 degrees, it better be pretty. So, to share some of the magical views we’ve been seeing lately, below I’ve shared a few recent snapshots of the snowy city we’re currently living in. 

   What’s the weather like where you’re located? And what team are you on: winter or summer? 
