Currently Reading…

My sunny reading corner of my tiny Boston apartment. This is where I sit in my wicker chair with the window curtains open, and open my next book. Decorated with a vase of orange flowers, I'd consider this the perfect at-home reading setup.

I recently got my library card at the Boston Public Library (woohoo) in an effort to read more. I’ve always loved reading but have found myself going months without picking up a new book. So, when I found out there was a branch of the library in my neighborhood (literally within 5 minutes walking distance), I knew this was a chance to pickup better reading habits. The library “experience” is a little different due to COVID, but that doesn’t bother me. Ahead of time, you select the books you want to check out online and you choose which branch location you’d like to pick them up at. They email you when they’re ready for pickup and you schedule a time slot to then go and pick them up! It’s pretty simple and knowing that I have to return the books within a certain deadline encourages me to read more frequently.

I thought it would be fun to share what I’m currently reading! While I can’t give full reviews yet since I haven’t finished all of these, I thought I’d share my “so-far” thoughts. If you have any book recommendations, I’d love to hear them! Feel free to send them via email ( or DM on Instagram. You can also comment on this blog post, though I’ve been having issues with receiving comments so if it doesn’t look like it goes through, feel free to email me!

1. Modern Love

Modern Love was the first book I finished and it was recommended by a few different friends. It’s all different stories about relationships (with your significant other, spouse, children, parents, grandparents, etc…) all written by different authors. I liked that you could pick it up, read one three-page story, and put it down. It wasn’t super exciting, but overall it’s a nice “light” read, even though some of the stories aren’t necessarily “light” topics. If you have a shorter attention span (lol) this is a good, easy read.

2. Sweetbitter

This was another recommended book. I’m about halfway through and 100% recommend this book.  The main character moves to New York and begins working at one of the top restaurants. The story is basically a “behind the scenes” of restaurant life and the people you meet while working there. It’s definitely a little bit intense at some parts, but it’s so interesting! I can’t seem to put it down. Maybe it’s because I spent some time working in New York, but this review by Kate Christensen is spot-on: “I loved this novel so, so much. It’s rare that a book conveys with such unerring precision what it’s like to be newly arrived in New York-the story itself, but also tiny throwaway details like the sudden authority of the blue sky at dawn after staying up all night, or your bones bracing themselves for what comes next, or the exact mood of a Manhattan bar at three in the morning.” 

3. The Little Book of Hygge

I had never heard of this book and honestly had never heard the term “hygge” until I saw this blog post by Carly, one of my favorites.  I haven’t started reading it, so I can’t share any insight yet. But I do know that Carly is a huge reader. So if she recommends something, you read it. 🤣 The whole idea of “hygge” sounds so interesting and cozy to me, especially as we head into cooler months ahead. I absolutely love cold weather, but I think this will be a perfect read to help fully embrace the upcoming frigid months.

4. The City Bakers Guide to Country Living

When I asked for great books to read in the fall, about 10+ people recommended this book. And it must be good, because I was on a waitlist to check it out from the library! I finally picked it up the other day and I’m so excited to start reading this book! Honestly, I barely know the story line but it just sounds so perfect for a crisp, fall day.

