Setting Priorities

A sunny beach day on Cape Cod. Pictured is the ocean and the sand, and a beach towel.

Like I said, there’s just nothing better than a weekend with no plans at all.

I’ve always been focused on celebrating and building the life around me, for me. When I was younger, I always chose to do activities that made me happy. I never wanted to sign up for a summer camp because “my friends were going” and I was never one to jump at the opportunity to go on vacation with a friend. In a not-so-selfish way, I’ve just always done what made sense for me.. I definitely resonate with the term, “..walking to the beat of her own drum.” If I don’t walk to my own beat, who will?

In recent months, I’ve been making mental notes of things that bring me joy. I’d rather grab coffee and go for a walk than sit at a bar and drink alcohol. I don’t want to fill up my weekends with plans, because sometimes there’s just nothing better than a weekend with no plans at all. I’m all about balance, though. I love a night out or a “boozy” brunch, but those aren’t the only ways I enjoy being social.

I encourage you to make a short list of priorities that you have. Maybe you love to read, but haven’t been doing much of it lately? Maybe happy hour isn’t your thing, but you’ve been saying ‘yes’ to HH plans weekly? Whatever you choose to prioritize, do it because you want to. Not because you have FOMO (fear-of-missing-out), not because you saw someone on social media enjoying their jam-packed schedule, and not because your friends are begging you to join them for the 6th time that week.

Here are a few things I’m currently prioritizing:

  • I’ve been actively prioritizing my health by attending structured workout classes and have noticed a difference in my energy levels and strength.
  • This summer has been the summer of family. At least 1-2x/week, Ant and I find ourselves getting together with my family and/or planning trips to visit his. It’s been so nice to consistently visit with my fam, even if our schedules look a little overwhelming at times. 😂
  • I’ve recently focused on blogging with intention. Instead of writing a blog post or posting on Instagram for the sake of engagement, I’ve been trying my best to keep all of my platforms real. For example, this blog post was a simple recap of my weekend, I had been wanting to share my sustainable wardrobe goals for a while and finally got around to it here, and I’ve been connecting with more brands + sharing favorites of mine – without having any “sponsored content” pressure. I hope to keep up this more personal side of my blog.
  • I’ve been prioritizing friendships over the last month or so. Our college besties just booked a trip to come visit in October, I’ve been frequently visiting with my two local besties, and I’ve even enjoyed making new friendships with people who have similar values and priorities as mine.
  • Budgeting and saving is another priority of mine, as my career is still somewhat “new” and it isn’t as easy to financially plan when you’re not usually making the same amount every month.

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